About Us

Ila Mathur




Ila Mathur is a Junior from Palo Alto, California, majoring in Economics and English. As Vice President of Startup Development for BASES last year, her team executed a 1000+ person Startup Career Fair (the largest at Stanford), hosted weekly workshops, pitch sessions, and 1:1 office hours for 80+ builders with top Bay Area VCs, created and strategized Y-Combinator and Xfund shadowing programs, and founded a new, high-growth branch of BASES called BASES X—providing regular educational resources and workshops to 200+ students.

Aside from BASES, Ila was among the first employees at Fizz—one of the most prominent social networks at 200+ universities. She strategized, planned, and executed to grow the company from 3 to 70+ employees, raising funds for their Seed round, and launching the platform at schools around the nation, pioneering the launch strategy as a result. Outside of Fizz, Ila has consulted and worked for several startups like Go, unicorn companies like Flutterwave, and VC’s in Silicon Valley as well as globally. In addition to entrepreneurship, Ila is passionate about women’s healthcare equity—starting, leading, and organizing her own branch of the nationwide nonprofit Pink Ribbon Girls—and is an avid surfer & art enthusiast.